All hail the Keighley & Airedale Business Awards!

Keighley and Airedale Business Awards group photo

A great event and astonishingly good entries!

We are delighted to have been involved with the 2023 Keighley & Airedale Business Awards, where we were lucky enough to sponsor and judge the Food & Drink category.

It’s difficult to convey just how difficult the judging was. We were gob-smacked at the quality of food and drink there is in our area from high-end bakers to Japanese cuisine, an amazing community space to award-winning curries. And the winner – a start-up aiming to improve the nation’s hydration, Vidrate – was hailed the worthy winner. Becoming a stockist at both Holland & Barrett and Superdrug, and gunning for a £4 million turnover is no mean feat in these challenging times. Congratulations to all!

At AWB Charlesworth we have extensive experience in acting for clients on a variety of matters in the hospitality and leisure sector. From new premises, new leases and new employment contracts to more complex issues, we’re here to give you practical, sensible advice. Contact Chris Cooper on 01274 037074 or email 

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Keighley and Airedale Business Awards

AWB Charlesworth legal services for businesses
