3 (legal) things that every new business should do!

Man with laptop surrounded by boxes starting a business following legal advice

Setting up a business can be exciting. So don’t let the legal aspect worry you. Keep it simple and follow these three pieces of advice:

  1. Give your business the right structure. Sole trader, partnership, limited liability partnership, franchise… there’s plenty more. Research and set your business up correctly from the get-go.
  2. Formalise your business arrangements with contracts and policies. If anything goes wrong later – a bad debt or a disagreement with an agency or distributor – a well-written contract, supplier agreement or Terms of Business will save you money and time.
  3. Protect your intellectual property and other commercially-valuable information. Got a great idea? Don’t let a competitor waltz off with it.

There’ll be other things down the line, but get these things right, and you’ll be on solid ground.

At AWB Charlesworth Solicitors we have extensive experience in business law, for large businesses as well as start-ups. If you need legal advice at any stage, contact Umberto Vietri on 01274 352056 or email umberto.vietri@awbclaw.co.uk.

Umberto Vietri Thumbnail

5 June 2024

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Commercial Lease Explainer: Heads of Terms 

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External links of interest

Gov UK: Set up a business
