Why choose a Solicitor Apprenticeship? Emma Davies explains

Emma Davies at work at AWB Charlesworth

When it came to deciding what I was going to do after my A Levels, I was unsure what route to take. The debt, the idea of moving away and the thought of staying in full-time education didn’t really appeal. But nor did the option of apprenticeships – I feared I’d end up without a degree or a recognised qualification.

I knew I wanted to pursue a career in law and started researching different legal routes. I discovered the solicitor degree apprenticeship, applied for a number of them and was accepted at AWB Charlesworth Solicitors. AWB Charlesworth appealed as a great firm with values I aligned with.

Rather than having to worry about getting a training contract and how I am going to qualify post-university, those aspects are all built into the apprenticeship. I will become a legally-qualified solicitor when I finish my studies.

Working while studying, allows me to see all areas of legal practice and see what I want to specialise in. And I have gained important professional skills I wouldn’t have received if I had gone to university.

As part of my apprenticeship, I work 80% of my time leaving one day a week dedicated to my university work. I attend workshops, complete assignments and revise materials learnt. It is hard sometimes to stay disciplined but everyone at AWB Charlesworth is supportive, understanding and they’re always happy to help if I have any questions regarding my studies.

Many people think that the idea of an apprenticeship is hard work and you miss out on a social life. It’s true that I do work 9-5 and study many evenings. But, I earn a salary, have weekends and holidays free, and the money to enjoy that all-important social life. And when I graduate at 24, I’ll be debt-free and fully-qualified. For me, this was the perfect choice!

Emma Davies is an Apprentice Solicitor, currently working in the Commercial Property department. If you wish to contact her, call 01756 793 333 or email emma.davies@awbclaw.co.uk

Emma Davies Thumbnail

10 February 2023

Further Reading:

Solicitor Apprenticeship Scheme at AWB Charlesworth

Solicitor Apprenticeship – The Law Society



