Bradford: new research has really stopped us in our tracks.

Bradford: the topic of research

Job website, Adzuna undertook some research recently. They compared salaries and then deducted both tax and rent costs to assess disposable incomes across the UK. The results are eye-opening.

Average annual salaries in major cities

You might want to pause and look at that again.

After tax and rent, Bradfordians take home £1,650 a month. Londoners meanwhile take home £810.

Now, there will be many caveats, including the state of the jobs market, the relative merits of both places, cheap transport in London, city living vs provincial living, etc, etc. But that’s a mammoth difference. At some point, will there be a tipping point with people migrating north?

We’re always here to sing the good news about our region. Bradford, Keighley, Skipton, the Aire Valley, the Yorkshire Dales. It’s all very much our patch, and we’re fiercely proud of it. If you want these attributes in your solicitor – whether for commercial or personal law – contact us today. Call into our Keighley or Skipton office or call 01535 613678 or 01756 793333.

14 March 2024

Photo: Wilsden reservoir

Adzuna research:

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