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The increasing amount of globalisation has resulted in many individuals having a opportunity to own assets from multiple countries. Each governed by their own set of laws and successions rules.
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Contractual Disputes
Contract disputes can arise over a wide range of goods and services, from the purchase of consumer goods through to the provision of building or installation services. When a supplier of goods or services fails to meet its contractual and legal obligations, we can help you to resolve matters.
We will:
- Examine the contract you have entered into and ensure you understand what you are entitled to receive. We will then work with you to achieve this.
- Advise you on what remedies are available to you if you have suffered a breach of contract.
- Assist in resolving the dispute with the supplier of goods or services, either through negotiation or, if necessary, through court action.
For specialist advice in these areas, please contact a member of our Dispute Resolution team. They have considerable experience in rectifying contract disputes for individual consumers of goods or services and in dealing with negligence claims.